You do know that you should bring your skis
and your own HF radar when coming to Svalbard, don't you? Surprisingly many visitor miss the second item, but Juha is sufficiently well-educated and brought all items specified in the mandatory items list.
We found a perfect spot between the EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) and the SuperDARN radar. First we installed the ring, or wideband loop antenna for the receiver. The next thing was to erect the antenna for the transmitter. There was quite a bit of digging of snow but luckily we had two competent students (from the UNIS radar course) to help us. Then we just switched the power on and recorded some data. Piece of cake. Let's go skiing!
It was a cold and clear night... ESR in the background |
The transmitter antenna ready for tests |
The receiver antenna ready for everything. Well, maybe not any wind... |
To be replaced with something more appropriate later. |
"Do we see something...?" |
The very first data to be explained later |
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